Thursday, November 17, 2005

4th Quarter

Guess what? It's 4th quarter, so that means all the record labels are trotting out greatest hits, live albums and box sets. How predictable. Even the indie labels do it. I'm surprised people keep buying these greatest hits packages. It's just as easy to make your own (or download the best tracks from ITunes). There's a new Beastie Boys greatest hits package (the last one came out six years ago in - wait for it - 4th quarter). Unfortunately the Beastie Boys haven't put out much good music in the last six years. Capitol also put out a new John Lennon greatest hits package. The Beatles are always a gold mine, so they also reissued George Harrison's CONCERT FOR BANGLADESH. Major labels are such an easy target....

Wilco's KICKING TELEVISION: LIVE IN CHICAGO - I was interested in buying this when I thought it had a DVD with it (even though most live DVDs tend to be incredibly boring). Instead it's just a double CD. Live albums very rarely capture the excitement of being there (get it? Being There?), with a few exceptions (the Who LIVE AT LEEDS, Descendents LIVEAGE! and HALLRAKER!, etc.). Anyway, this thing retails for $24.98. No thanks. I'll save my money for concert tickets the next time they're in town.

Bonnie 'Prince' Billy SUMMER IN THE SOUTHEAST - This is the rare exception to the live disc thing; it's actually much better than seeing Will Oldham in concert. Why? Reason 1: Because he's backed up by a live band. Reason 2: His voice doesn't totally give out about half way through the show (because it's a bunch of highlights of different performances). Reason 3: He actually sounds like he's having fun (even howls like a wolf at one point and makes a joke about having clown in his eye). I still can't condone the $17.98 sticker price, but if you're a fan I'd pick it up on sale.

What's your favorite example of a record label milking the fans of their A-list talent during the holiday season? Green Day? Dave Matthews Band? Eminem?

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