It's hard to believe that Voxtrot's debut full length came out this year. It seems like they've around forever. They've promised that they're going to hole up in a studio for most of 2008, so this might be your last chance to see them for a long time. I saw them earlier this year at the Troubadour and if you like indie pop, they're well worth seeing. I plan on being there. As an added bonus, Division Day is opening the show....
What: Free Concert Tickets
Who: Voxtrot / Division Day
When: Sunday December 2nd
Where: The Music Box at the Fonda
How: Email [dukeufo at hotmail] and tell me your favorite Indian celebrity.
Voxtrot "Kid Gloves" and "The Start of Something"
Indian Superman is my favorite Indian celebrity!
...although i'm not entering the contest... this is just a proclamation of my love for the guy.
do you have the spin-off Sparrow House ep Jared put out? It's pretty cool, and different. Hit me up on email if you want/need it.
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